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'''Specializations:''' Spell Design, Focus Design, Spirit Formula
'''Specializations:''' Spell Design, Focus Design, Spirit Formula
'''Specializations:''' Focus Analysis, Crafting (by focus type)

Revision as of 21:42, 7 October 2016



It is impossible to prepare for every scenario and only slightly harder to have every skill. When you perform an action without actually having the skill for the test, there’s still hope. You can default the skill, making the test using only the attribute to form the dice pool. You don’t have any tremendous talent when you default— quite the opposite in fact. Defaulting imposes a –1 dice pool modifier in addition to any other modifiers the situation demands. Unless the gamemaster feels that you’re at a complete loss when defaulting, you can use Edge to Push the Limit and better your chances.

Some skills are too technically demanding for you to default. In these cases, you don’t get to even try the test; you just fail. Pilot Ground Craft or Unarmed Combat, for example, are relatively simple skills that can be attempted without formal training, so you can default if you need to. Aeronautics Mechanic, on the other hand, is too complicated to try without some training (you could say it’s rocket science). Skills that cannot be defaulted mentioned in the skill description.



Archery is used to fire string-loaded projectile weapons. An archer is familiar with many different styles of bow and the multitude of arrows that can be used to maximum effect.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: No

Specializations: Bow, Crossbow, Non-Standard Ammunition, Slingshot


The Automatics skill covers a specific subset of firearms larger than handheld pistols but smaller than rifles. This category includes submachine guns and other fully automatic carbines.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Firearms

Specializations: Assault Rifles, Cyber-Implant, Machine Pistols, Submachine Guns


Slice and dice! The Blades skill includes the use of all handheld slashing and stabbing weapons. You can use a range of edged weapons including daggers, swords, and axes.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Close Combat

Specializations: Axes, Knives, Swords, Parrying


Escape Artist

Escape Artist measures the character’s ability to escape from bindings by using body contortion and manual dexterity.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: None

Specializations: By restraint (Cuffs, Ropes, Zip Ties, etc.), Contortionism

Exotic Melee Weapon (Specific)

Exotic Ranged Weapon (Specific)

Sometimes a regular gun or blade won’t do the job and you need something fancier. Or weirder. This skill must be taken once for each unusual ranged weapon you want to use. Some examples include blowguns, gyrojet pistols, flamethrowers, and lasers.

Default: No

Skill Group: None

Specializations: None



Gymnastics measures your balance, general athleticism, and all-around ability to use your body.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Athletics

Specializations: Balance, Climbing, Dance, Leaping, Parkour, Rolling

Heavy Weapons

The term heavy weapon is designated for all projectile weaponry larger than an assault rifle, such as grenade launchers, machine guns, and assault cannons. This skill is exclusive to handheld and non-vehicle-mounted weaponry—if you’ve got a gun mounted on or in a vehicle, use Gunnery.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: None

Specializations: Assault Cannons, Grenade Launchers, Guided Missiles, Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers



The Longarms skill is for firing extended-barrel weapons such as sporting rifles and sniper rifles. This grouping also includes weapons like shotguns that are designed to be braced against the shoulder.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Firearms

Specializations: Extended-Range Shots, Long-Range Shots, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles


Palming is sleight-of-hand skill that gives a character the ability to snag, hide, and pass off small objects.

Default: No

Skill Group: Stealth

Specializations: Legerdemain, Pickpocket, Pilfering



Need to get where you’re not supposed to be? This skill allows you to remain inconspicuous in various situations.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Stealth

Specializations: Location type (Jungle, Urban, Desert, etc.)

Throwing Weapon

Unarmed Combat

Unarmed Combat covers the various self-defense and attack moves that employ the body as a primary weapon. This includes a wide array of martial arts along with the use of cybernetic implant weaponry and the fighting styles that sprung up around those implants.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Close Combat

Specializations: Blocking, Cyber Implants, Subduing Combat, or by specific Martial Art



Diving brings together a wide array of actions performed underwater. This skill can be applied when diving, swimming underwater, using complex diving equipment, and holding your breath.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: None

Specializations: By breathing apparatus (Liquid Breathing Apparatus, Mixed Gas, Oxygen Extraction, SCUBA), by condition (Arctic, Cave, Commercial, Military, etc.), Controlled Hyperventilation


This skill covers any jump from height, including leaps from a third-floor window to jumps from a plane at high altitude. If it involves any kind of attempt to slow or control your fall, this covers it, so it includes skydiving with a parachute, flying a wingsuit, or descending on a line, bungee cord, or zipline.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: None

Specializations: BASE Jumping, Break-Fall, Bungee, HALO, Low Altitude, Parachute, Static Line, Wingsuit, Zipline


Animal Handling


Con governs the ability to manipulate or fool an NPC during a social encounter. This skill covers a range of confidence games as well as the principles behind those cons.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Acting

Specializations: Fast Talking, Seduction


Etiquette represents the level of understanding and awareness of proper social rituals. The skill works as a sort of social version of Sneak, allowing you to move unimpeded through various social situations. Etiquette also serves as a social safety net in case a player botches a social situation in a way a skilled character would not.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Influence

Specializations: By culture or subculture (Corporate, High Society, Media, Mercenary, Street, Yakuza, etc.)


Impersonation is the ability to assume the identity of another person, including voice and physical mannerisms. The skill is limited by the physical abilities of the character. A dwarf might be able to impersonate a troll over a commlink, but the illusion shatters when he is face to face with his target.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Acting

Specializations: By metahuman type (Dwarf, Elf, Human, Ork, Troll)


Instruction governs the ability to teach people. The skill level helps determine how comfortable the instructor is delivering new material as well as how complex of a skill may be taught.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: None

Specializations: By Active or Knowledge skill category (Combat, Language, Magical, Academic Knowledge, Street Knowledge, etc.)


Intimidation is about creating the impression that you are more menacing than another person in order to get them to do what you want. The skill may be applied multiple ways, from negotiation to interrogation. Intimidation is an Opposed Intimidation + Charisma [Social] Test against the target’s Charisma + Willpower, modified by the appropriate entries on the Social Modifiers Table.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: None

Specializations: Interrogation, Mental, Physical, Torture


Leadership is the ability to direct and motivate others. It’s like Con, except rather than using deception you’re using a position of authority. This skill is especially helpful in situations where the will of a teammate is shaken or someone is being asked to do something uncomfortable. The Leadership skill is not meant to replace or make up for poor teamwork. When using Leadership make an opposed test Charisma + Leadership.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Influence

Specializations: Command, Direct, Inspire, Rally


Negotiation governs a character’s ability to apply their charisma, tactics, and knowledge of situational psychology in order to create a better position when making deals.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Influence

Specializations: Bargaining, Contracts, Diplomacy


This skill governs the ability to execute a performing art. Performance is to the arts what Artisan is to craft. The performer uses her skill to entertain or even captivate an audience.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Acting

Specializations: By performance art (Presentation, Acting, Comedy, specific Musical Instrument, etc.)





Disguise covers non-magical forms of masking your identity, including makeup and enhancement.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Stealth

Specializations: Camouflage, Cosmetic, Theatrical, Trideo & Video

Interests Knowledge




Perception refers to the ability to spot anomalies in everyday situations, making it one of the key skills a shadowrunner needs.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: None

Specializations: Hearing, Scent, Searching, Taste, Touch, Visual

Street Knowledge


This skill confers the ability to detect the passage of metahumans and other game through terrain and use those clues to follow that individual. This skill also allows you to identify unmarked trails and common game paths is various environments.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Outdoors

Specializations: Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Polar, Urban, another terrain type


Academic Knowledge

Aeronautics Mechanics


Arcana governs the creation of magical formulae used to create spells, foci, and all other manner of magical manipulations. Arcana is required to understand formulae that may be purchased over the counter or discovered by other means.

Default: No

Skill Group: None

Specializations: Spell Design, Focus Design, Spirit Formula


Automotive Mechanic







Electronic Warfare

First Aid




Industrial Mechanics


Nautical Mechanics

Professional Knowledge



Pilot Aerospace

Pilot Aircraft

Pilot Exotic Vehicle (Specific)

Pilot Ground Craft

Pilot Walker

Pilot Watercraft



Running, as you may guess, is about how much ground you can cover quickly.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Athletics

Specializations: Distance, Sprinting, by terrain (Desert, Urban, Wilderness, etc.)


This skill determines the character’s ability to swim in various bodies of water. The skill level affects the distance and speed at which a character can swim.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Athletics

Specializations: Dash, Long Distance


Astral Combat


In the desert with nothing more than a tin cup, a poncho, and an iron rod? You’ll need this skill to help you get out alive. Survival is the ability to stay alive in extreme environmental conditions for extended periods of time. The skill governs a character’s ability to perform vital outdoor tasks such as start a fire, build a shelter, scrounge for food, etc. in hostile environments.

Default: Yes

Skill Group: Outdoors

Specializations: Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Polar, Urban, or other terrain



Alchemy is used to create substances that store spells. Alchemy is most commonly used to brew potions, distill magical reagents, and even create orichalcum.

Default: No

Skill Group: Enchanting

Specializations: By trigger (Command, Contact, Time), by spell type (Combat Spells, Detection Spells, etc.)


Artificing is the process of crafting magical foci. The skill may also be used forensically, in order to assense qualities about an existing focus’ creation and purpose.

Default: No

Skill Group: Enchanting






Ritual Spellcasting





